تقيم منظمة حقوق الانسان الاهوازية (اهرو) وبالتعاون مع مركز ابن خلدون مؤتمرا هاما في واشنطن تحت عنوان " تحديات التعددية في إيران" وذلك بمشاركة خبراء وسياسيين وأكاديميين وممثلين عن منظمات سياسية وحقوقية تابعة للقوميات والاقليات الدينية والعرقية في ايران.
المزيد في الرابط التالي:
SYMPOSIUM INVITATION: Challenge of Pluralism in Iran
Ibn Khaldun Center &
Ahwaz Human Rigts Organization


The Challenge of Pluralism in Iran
Space is limited. For event details and to reserve your spot CLICK HERE.

As Iran moves toward reintegration with the global system, the country's rich mix of ethnic religious and cultural minorities are asking for greater national pluralism.

Join us on June 15th for a symposium on the history and aspirations of Iran's diverse population groups. What is an optimal response from democratic governments, media and civil society?

Speakers include prominent members of the Ahwaz-Arab, Azarbahganis, Baha’i, Baluch, Kurdish, Sunni, Turkman, and other minority groups. Also, hear from Dr. Shirin Abadi, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and other prominent Iranian and American human rights defenders.

An agenda will follow for registered participants.

Event Details

· WHEN: Wednesday, June 15, 2016 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

· WHERE: National Press Club, Washington, DC

Space is limited. For event details and to reserve your spot CLICK HERE:
