ahro atteneded by unpo feb 15

The report also suggests targeted recommendations to the central government, the Kurdish Regional Government, and the international community.

AHRO attend a conference in Brussels on human rights in Iraq


Representatives of Ahwaz Human Rights Organization Sheyma Silawi attened attended a meeting by invitation of UNPO (Unrepresented Nation and People Organization ) Friday 27th of Febuary,where the human rights violations committed in northern Iraq by ISIS were documented and discussed. this conference was organized by : Institute of International Law and Human Rights (IILHR), Minority Rights Group International (MRG), No Peace Without Justice (NPWJ) and the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) .


The report is published in both English and Arabic language where detailed information on the statues of 16 Iraqi ethnic and religious minority components is provided .The details includes the historical background ,approximate demographics ,human rights challenges ,the security situation ,humanitarian situation, displaced people and the situation of women and children. The representative of UNPO stated that the lack of facilities forces women to bathe at night in the jungles in the outskirts of the camps and they endure harsh conditions ,the possibility of assault and sexual harassments, and one of the reason for such catastrophic human conditions is the lack of fair distribution of international aid, where only 36 percent of the total aids is being received and distributed to people.


The report also suggests targeted recommendations to the central government, the Kurdish Regional Government, and the international community. It then provides information on how Iraqi identity documents are processed and the requirements for issuance of documents including birth certificates, passports, and national identity cards, drawing from the Iraqi Foreign Ministry’s Consular Handbook and the sources. The book then offers an analysis of Iraq’s legal framework as it relates to citizenship, personal status, criminalized behavior, voluntary return to Iraq, and issues specific to particular components.


After launching the report ,the ground was opened for attendees for question and debate ,where representative of Yazidi minority criticized both the Iraqi central government and Kurdistan regional government for lack of persistence and coordination to put an end to the sufferings of Iraq minorities.


Representative of AHRO raised this question :"are the violations and discriminations execrized against Arabs who have become minorities in some Kurdish regions and cities as reported by Human Rigths watch where some Arabs are not allowed to go back to their houses in Kurdistan region and are left behind city gates by peshmarga and Asayesh forces are also being documented or not?" in this context Johanna Green from UNPO commented that there are some documented cases of such instances ,and addressed the question to the delegate of KRG who was also attending the conference ,and in turn he tried to blame the budget shortage and justify those cases as rare incidents .In the end AHRO representatives


encountered members of Syrian Assyrians and discussed matters of mutual interest.




Ahwaz Human Rights Organization(AHRO)


28 Feb 2015